Gold Coast has been handed four top-20 picks over the next three years in a huge draft boost for the Suns.

The Suns will have picks one and two in this year's draft along with the opening pick of the second round, as well as an extra first-round pick in 2020, and the first pick of the second round in 2021.

“There is no doubt the Gold Coast SUNS have had enormous challenges throughout their short history and it is to the benefit of the entire competition that the SUNS are competitive,” AFL General Counsel Andrew Dillon said in a statement.

“The AFL and football fans want a strong and even competition, and while the endeavour and intent can’t be faulted by the Gold Coast Football Club, there have been executional challenges along the journey that have impacted the on-field competitiveness of the team.

“The Club, led by Tony Cochrane and Mark Evans, will continue to build strength in the organisation and delivering on their football strategy is crucial to the club’s long-term success. The special assistance approved by the AFL Commission will contribute to this.

“While the package is set for three years to provide certainty to players, staff and the entire industry, the AFL Commission retains the right to remove future picks and / or academy access based on the club’s performance.”