Dane Swan is well known for his hilarious sarcasm and this remark caught the eye of coach Nathan Buckley on Twitter today.
@CollingwoodFC Classic Dane.
— Nathan Buckley (@ncb_cfc) March 16, 2016
This classic piece of Swanny humour prompted us to dive into the archives and find some of Swan's best Tweets.
Hey @kanyewest if you need some help with ideas to change the world I'm your man.. Tell your mate Zuckerberg too
— Dane Swan (@swandane) February 17, 2016
I can handle driving on the other side of the road but walking on the right hand side of the footpath is a nightmare.I keep going lefter
— Dane Swan (@swandane) January 1, 2016
Sporting team themed toilet paper so you can wipe your ass with the team you hate... Your welcome ๐๐ผ๐๐ผ
— Dane Swan (@swandane) June 29, 2015
You know your in Mildura when you see a sign - alpaca poo $4. It's just so cheap up here. #bargain #stockedup
— Dane Swan (@swandane) November 21, 2015
If The first basemen's coach for the royals name rusty Kuntz isn't the greatest name of all time My whole life has been a lie
— Dane Swan (@swandane) November 2, 2015
I'm not ashamed to say Bieber was electric at vmas today ๐๐ผ๐๐ผ and can't wait for Kanye to be president.
— Dane Swan (@swandane) August 31, 2015
I don't think I ever feel better about myself than when I pull over to let an ambulance or fire engine pass me. Good deed done for the month
— Dane Swan (@swandane) August 25, 2015
I need a pet dragon
— Dane Swan (@swandane) June 8, 2015
Why are people that are happy are on cloud nine?? What's wrong with cloud eight or ten?? Can anyone enlighten me...
— Dane Swan (@swandane) February 25, 2015
Seen the second hunger games last night. Great show. Amazing that it's based on a true story.....
— Dane Swan (@swandane) December 12, 2013
Love driving past revolver on way to training on sat/sun mornings and seeing all the spritely and fresh people up and about heading in there
— Dane Swan (@swandane) August 2, 2013
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