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Triple M play hilarious prank on Tex Walker

Published by
Ben Cotton

Crows skipper Tex Walker thought he was interviewing The Killers' lead singer Brandon Flowers on Adelaide's Triple M radio, but he had another thing coming.

Walker was actually being interviewed by comedian Andrew Hansen from The Chaser pretending to be the rock star by putting on an American accent.

Hansen does not hold back at all, instantly mocking the nickname 'Tex' at the start of their conversation and bashing the Crows' 2017 grand final performance.

Triple M breakfast co-host Chris Dittmar concludes the prank as 'Flowers' manager', much to Walker's tongue-in-cheek discontent.

Transcript of Triple M's Tex Walker prank 

Flowers Impersonator: “Sorry, what did you say your name was?”

Taylor Walker: “Tex Walker”

FI: “Tex Walker, seriously?

TW: “Oh, my name’s Taylor, but they call me Tex, yeah. Sorry mate.”

FI: “It sounds like some kind of cowboy name from the Deep South, or something.”

TW: “I’m a country boy. I’m originally from a little country town which is five and a half hours inland from Adelaide called Broken Hill, so ...”

FI: “OK. I don’t know if that’s too cool, to be called an American name in a country that’s not America, but OK.”

TW: “We’ll run with it.”

FI: “OK, we’ll run with it. But it’s kind of a lame name, but alright.”

FI: “Yeah the football game last year ... I watched some of that game and I’ve got to say that the team that lost, they were terrible. They didn’t know what they were doing.”

TW: “That was my team.”

FI: “Is that your team? Oh wow. You did badly, man. That was bad.”

TW: “Thanks for reminding us.”

FI: “The only worse place I’ve probably been, than Las Vegas, was maybe Adelaide. That was kind of a dump of a place. I didn’t like that too much either.”

FI: “I don’t got any respect for sports people really. Are you one? Because I thought I was going to talk to a media professional or something.

TW: “I do a little bit of work here at Triple M, mate, and I’m still currently playing so we’ll have to change that perception for you mate.”

FI: “I was kind of told I was going to be speaking to a big interviewer or something. So you’re just a footballer, is that right?”

TW: “I play a bit of footy mate and do a bit of media on the side.”

FI: “Is this interview going to go on too much longer? Wait a minute, could you just wait a moment. I’m going to need to speak to my manager for just one moment. Steve, can you come to the phone?”

Dittmar: “Hello, this is Brandon’s manager, Chris.”

TW: “Chris Dittmar. I’m going to get you back. You’re a f---wit Chris Dittmar.”

Published by
Ben Cotton